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Coming home,

many survive.

Some do not.

The journey we have traveled has been great, but this was not your dream.

You live to see the day to see me step off the plane.

Although that changed.

When a knock came upon the door,

echoing through the house.

Our son ran to it with you behind him.

You surely thought it was me,

but when the door opened,

there the general stood.

Seemed like seconds,


and hours had passed.

As he was explaining.

I only wanted to hold you two while you cried.

I haven’t left,

I’m still here,

Just in spirit.

I’m the rain on your cheek,

The love of your life,

I’ll always be there.

Spirit (New Piece)

"Poetry is the

clear expression

of mixed Feelings."

W.H. Auden

Seabreeze Time


Venturing through the darkness leads to the uttermost unknown.

No sense of direction or purpose,

searching for the light at the end of the tunnel.

Till I stumbled upon you.


The one who took my fear and twisted it into determination.

The one who informed me the journey would be tough, yet achievable.

The one who coaxed me to believe it was not time to give up,

that I had all the tools to reach my full potential.

The one that told me to follow my heart,

that one day I would be able to soar on my own.

You're the one that allowed me to see I was ready to fly on my own.

For that I owe you.


I owe you for giving me a slight push out of my own world.

I owe you for taking my shyness and turning it into a way of expression.

I owe you for giving me the means to see through the darkness.



Thank you for being the one who assisted me in seeing in the dark.

For assisting me in shaping who I am today.

Thank you for showing me I could make it on my own,

that I could make it through the toughest times.

For all this,

Thank you.

Influential Poem

This place is a home to many memories.

Memories, that are both amazing and disappointing.

The ones I won't forget.


I sit here in the middle of the courtyard looking over campus.

The beginning of my time here seems not long ago,

the original unfamiliarity of the school changed.

Now I've become familiar to the buildings and the sounds that filled my time here.


People talking while walking back to class,

pass in hand and phone in the other alongside a friend.

Administrators just outside of building two,

chatting away about the school and many other things.

Then the bell rings.


The vacant hallways are soon filled with muffled talking,

laughter, and lockers closing.

Everyone shuffles into class until the final bell rings.

When the bell rings once again,

the sounds die down and you're left in silence.


The breeze moves swiftly across campus bringing in a distinct smell.

A smell that everyone at Seabreeze knows well,

the salty air of the beach.

The one thing that makes Seabreeze complete.

Not everything stays

The one thing you learn overtime is that,

people come and go.

There's a reason why not everything stays,

whether you know the reason or not.


When they leave,

they take a piece of you.

They take a piece of you without your permission,

you'll fight against them to try and keep your piece.

Still, no matter what a piece will be taken.

Even if it's the smallest piece,

it will leave you empty.


When you keep letting them in,

you learn they’ll only destroy you.

They think they can always comes back.

They will keep coming back till you stop them.

When you stop allowing them to hurt you,

you’ll discover all the missing pieces will be become filled again.

Five Years Later...

Five years ago,

I set the highest goals.

For I hope I achieved them all.


The dream of pursuing my future career,

which was the start of it all.

For I do not know what I have accomplished,

but I hope they are along the lines I originally planned.

To start the journey to my medical dreams.

to become a surgeon,

and save many among the land.


If for a reason unknown I’ve changed my mind,

I’ll gladly take the pride in taking a different stride.
For either way I am nothing but proud.

Who would’ve known I would’ve ended up where I am now.

If for all the reasons I know now,

I stick with my plan,

Then I hope I’m joyful in being who I am.


With great hope, maybe things will have changed.

Suppose I have broken out of my shell,

and became a social butterfly.

Then so be it and I’ll still remain proud.


For five years ago I did not know what my life would hold,

but I hope I’m glad with where I am and who I am.

Either way truth be told,

I hope I’m still on the path to greatness,

and that I’m still happy now.

I hope I'm happy with whoever I end up with,

that I live a great life and everything I've ever hoped for.

For A Moment

That day a knock arrived on the door,

I knew it had to be you.

With no surprise, there you stood.

Rain slid off your hair and onto the front porch.


For a moment we stood staring at each other,

a broken look in your eyes.


I knew what was to come.

You spoke the deadly words that would surely leave me broken,

“Please, I love you.”


You stood in the pouring rain anticipating my next move.

I shuffled aside letting you in.

I lurked behind you as you examined the room,

each thing in the room remained the same to your surprise.


For that moment, I let you believe you were staying.

I let you set the keys down, I let you imagine what could’ve been.

“Take what you want and go.”


I wanted no remnant of you left in the house, nothing of us.

There you stood,

broken pieces falling to the floor.

I opened the front door,

“Just go now.”

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